Articles from the Owner

The Job Market – Today & Perhaps Going Forward

Disclaimer: I am not a economist I’ve heard some business owners I know, many of whom are very smart and up to date on current affairs, tell me that the current hot employee job market is temporary. That the high wage requirements and hybrid work or fully remote work demands will go away once we…

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Managing Remote & Hybrid Teams

The unprecedented Covid lockdowns changed a lot of things (and people), not the least of which is the way we work. Even in my most distributed teams, pre-Covid, the local reps generally were in-person for team meetings and those out of state, came into the Corporate HQ several times a year. I can already see…

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Go to Market

One of the most important parts of climbing a mountain is to prepare. Ensuring you have the right gear, the right team, and the right weather conditions to reach the peak is paramount. Like mountain climbing, starting and maintaining a business also begins with ensuring you have the right tools, the right people, and most…

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In one context or another, you’ve probably heard the word “alignment” used repeatedly when it comes to business development, sales training, and the customer-supplier relationship. There’s no doubt that alignment between you and your customer, or your sales strategy and your staff is a must-have for continued success, but how do you get there? If…

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Training a Remote Workforce

When sales budgets are trimmed, training is typically among the first items to go. Why? Because training is viewed most often as an investment that can’t directly bring positive, immediate impact to the bottom line. Additionally, the costs of traditional classroom training include not just travel and expenses but also lost productivity because members of…

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One of the most fascinating parts of a mountain is not just the view from the summit, or even from the base, but the micro-climates that are woven throughout its structure. A microclimate is a local set of conditions that differ from other surrounding sets. In other words, the base of a mountain has certain…

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